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Feeding betta while away!


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Hi everyone! Just a quick question.. I'm going on holidays over Easter, roughly 10 days or so. It's the first time I'll have ever left my betta for an extended period of time.

Anyway.. I was wondering if a holiday feeding block would be sufficient for him or would it be safer to try and find a fish-sitter?

I know betta are carnivorous, I'm not sure whether the feeding blocks will be nutritious enough to keep him going for 10 days (or less).

Thanks for your help, I really appreciate it. :)

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I've never tried those vacation blocks and I'm not sure I'd trust them to not foul the water quality while away. If you can find a fish sitter, getting them to come in once or twice during the 10 day period is plenty :) however if you can't 10 days is not too bad, especially if you fatten him up beforehand

This is a bit mean but if you're that worried about him going hungry you could also try pregnant female guppies ready to drop some fry...

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Yeah I always opt to fatten up and do a big feed of something like live blackworms before I go so they can nibble on them. Betta can survive up to several weeks with no food anyway. I've read of fish lost in the post for six weeks but still alive and bloated fish being starved for four weeks so ten days in the scheme of things isn't too hard on a healthy Betta

Holiday blocks risks fouling water quality and id prefer a hungry Betta to a dead Betta

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Mm I've wondered how they'd go? Have you had any experience with them or know of anyone that has? Thanks! It's been great so far, hope everyone's having a happy Easter!

I haven't had any experience with them but from what I've seen, they look like just a simple timer and whenever its time for food, it drops in pellets. The cheapest one Ive seen on ebay is around $10 but it is probably not worth it if you don't go on holidays often enough to need it. :P Not sure if I'm allowed to post links to ebay or not though. On the description, it says it's powered by 3x AA batteries.

This picture is from 4ushop999 that he got from the box.


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