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my betta just fainted ><

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i was re-arranging the plant and my betta came over to see what i was doing. he watches my fingers for 5 minutes, wants to play / guard his territory... i think he got overly excited...

i found this youtube video:

it's so strange! i was scared, i thought he died, but nope.. just fainted. :blink:

wonder if its deadly.

Edited by jasper the fish
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He has only fainted once but since then I have seen him get a "dizzy spell". The first time he fainted, he started to sink and swim like an eel, when they zigzag like a snake, very slowly.. It was a very distinctive swim compared to their normal swimming, it looked so unnatural to see him twist his body into a Z shape. very exaggerated movements.

When he hit the bottom of the tank, he lay motionless, not even his little fins were moving, his eyes weren't moving either. He didn't even reflex or react to any sounds or movements I made. He swam away when I tried to pick him up with a small cup, seems he woke up or was pretending.

Then a few hours after that I was getting some tank water in a small cup for a test kit, he saw the plants moving and did the same fainted zig-zag swim, but as soon as I took the cup out, he seemed to snap out of it and didn't get to reach the bottom.

I'm thinking some kind of peculiar brain behaviour.. Perhaps when they get too excited and they don't breathe, or a neurological thing... The only other thing I can think of is the possibility of personality.. The guppy in the video seems to be playing dead to get attention for food, as the lady in the video described.

I'm definitely going to record my fish tank with my phone whenever I'm cleaning his tank next week. I hope he displays this type of behaviour for my camera next week so that I can get a recorded account of this, but hopefully there's nothing wrong with his brain or functions.

very peculiar indeed :P

Edited by jasper the fish
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