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Not Sure What's Wrong?


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Hey guys,

My girlfriend has a few betta, and we noticed a small white discolouration on one of her boys a month or so ago, we tried antibiotics, which seemed to prevent it getting worse, but now, in the last week or so, it's gotten crazy, and neither antibiotic or antifungal have helped at all. It seems to also be affecting his fins, as they seem quite ragged.

We're at a loss as to what we can do, and any help would be greatly appreciated.

I've included pics of him now, as well as when he first showed the white patch.

Current pic vvvvvv (Not the best quality sorry)


Around a month ago vvvvvvv


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hey Jaro,

there are two things going on with this boy.

1. the discolouration/white patch that u talk about is because this boy is a "marble". They change colour (sometimes really fast) - it's a genetic thing and is not an illness at all.

2. He's lost some bits off his dorsal and caudal fin. This could be a type of fin rot (and usually can be treated with good water conditions and antibiotics), or, he's a tail bighter.

good luck with him. The marble gene can be spectacular to watch as his colours change.

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Agree with what Paul said. Although the pic is a bit fuzzy it does appear that he is marbling. So the colour changes on the body and fins you can probably relax but pay close attention to the ragged edges. What colour are the edges? Dark gray or red could indicate the infection is still present. How long since the last course of antibiotics? I suggest giving him at least a week to rest and recover in between treatments. In the meantime use salt and IAL tea if you've got it.

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Yep, agree with what the experienced heads above have said - definitely marble and looks like a tail biter to me.

Usually stated AQ salt (or non-iodised rock salt) dosages are 1 teaspoon/10L. IAL tea is pretty simple to make, you just need to have Indian Almond Leaves and hot water (and a bucket :yes:). If you don't have any, ask around at your local LFS, or I'm sure someone on here will be able to push you in the right direction (lots of places will send through the post as well).

If he's a tail biter, I believe it's normally due to possible boredom and/or he's not getting as much food as he'd like. Maybe exercise him with a mirror a little more, or show him a fellow male at different times through the week. What's his feeding regime?

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