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Definitive Answers


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I know this will probably (hopefully) come with time, but is there a poster, or website, or something that depicts all the different types of Betta? I'll put my hand up and admit to trying to order a completely different fish to what I wanted, from a single photo granted, but when informed of what my choice was, I didn't even know that type existed.

So before I make more of a fool of myself than I am probably doing already, I'd like examples of all the types. Eventually, I want a poster to stick up on the wall in the fish room. Don't suppose you sell these someone?

Any one want to tackle this? Maybe if everyone chips in with a clear photo and explanation, we can collate it into a poster?

TIA for showing me the continued error of my ways ;)


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You can have a look through http://www.bettysplendens.com/articles/catview.imp?catid=857 for images & descriptions of the different tail types. Similarly it has some pages on colour variations. I don't think it is updated any more though.

I believe there are also some IBC standards that will give you the judging spec.

I think it would be cool to have a poster made up using ausaqua members pics/fish - make sure it's cool with the content owners first though.

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Cool link -cheers.

Something similar here: http://darkmoon17.de...Types-214242089

I'm not the one to put together a poster of anyone's fish. That would require the organisational skills of a true leader, the skills of a graphic designer, and quite possibly someone with contacts in the PR field. I wonder if we have any of those types of individuals on AusAqua?

I'm currently reading back issues of the IBC mag Flash! (joined the parent IBC today - joined the Australian chapter last week - highly recommended), and they cover quite a few, and I'm sure the standards will clarify more.

As I say, in time I hope I get to know all these like the gurus we are lucky to interact with on this site, but even then, it would be cool to have in the fish room!

Edited by Brenton
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I think it would have to be a huge poster to show all the types. Aquabid is another place to look. I hesitate giving you the URL because I don't to be the one who leads you down that rabbit hole. Hopefully you've already been to Aquabid and I'm not the one that has led you astray.

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:) Yes, I found Aquabid already and have refrained from dipping my toe in...yet. It scares me a little (be very afraid, grasshopper). I'll play in the local sandpit before I worry about importation hassles.

I'd be happy with multiple posters, but there doesnt seem to be any at the moment. It's going to be an ever-growing issue. How are new comers to the hobby (shouldn't it be a sport - we have competitions, standards, international competitors, etc?) going to get a grasp on all the different sorts going around? Or all the sorts that have been? Read an interesting article about disappearing classes...but I digress. Somewhere needs to have a photographic record of all the types (past and present) for others to be able to access, and having that resource stuck on the wall in a room I'm frequenting more and more, would help drive that knowledge home.

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It's definitely something to think about. Someone in Thailand who was a very good photographer published all the photographs he took from competitions around Thailand and published it in a BOOK. It really only had varieties from the few years that he'd been taking photos. Not a complete record by any means. But it was in a BOOK. There were a lot.... a heck of a lot of photos. Can't remember his name just at the moment.

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