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Hi all. I am re-vamping my 3ft tank and was planning on getting into rainbows. ATM I have rummynose and Bettas in there. The rummynose will stay. What are some of the more colorful species you would recommend? Can I have more than one species, or will they cross breed? Any special conditions? Are they jumpers? (my tank gas no lids)

Saw some really nice rainbows today but want to learn about them first before grabbing the most pretty ones in the store and throwing them in the tank.

What are some other native types I could put with them? Keep in mind I want the rainbows to be the feature fish in the tank. What about Empire Gudgeons? Years ago a mate found one mixed in with a batch of feeder fish and passed him onto me. He lived a rather happy life in the community tank I had at the time... Have had a soft spot for them ever since.

Tank will be low tech/low light.

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Boesemani rainbows are my favourites and native to parts of Australia and Papua New Guinea I believe. I picked up 2 today because I could not afford a school of them at $15 each and that was a mistake as one is showing aggression to the other as well as other fish in the tank at the moment. Not sure of the scientific names but there were also red rainbows at the lfs I was at today. In my opinion the boesemani are one of the most colourful rainbows with blue almost purple head and yellow tail, beautiful fish. I intend to ende up with a school of 6-8 at some point.

I would say be wary with the rummy nose tetra's being in the same tank as them. There is the potential to be a problem there. How many rummys do you have? A heavily planted tank will help with that. As for the jumping I have never experienced them doing it myself(I have a lid on my tank) but they are lightning quick top feeders so the potential is there if they are ever spooked.

The 2 I have at the moment use every inch of my 6ft tank too, up, down, side to side so I cant really class them as top or middle tank fish.

I cant comment on the breeding of them.

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Thanks for the info. It's exactly what I am looking for. The last thing I want to do is walk into this with my eyes shut.

I've got 12 rummynose in the tank. They are pretty peaceful with my Bettas. If need be, they can be moved. Would just prefer not to. I've got a lot if reading to do, so not in any rush (mind you, I do tend to get impatient *lol*

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Hey Jarrod

Try out the ANGFA sites you will get most of the info there there is also a national body beside the state clubs. You can normaly pick up rainbows for a lot less from club members and if you go to meets there will normaly be some on the raffle table. At ANGFA WA meets we have a library that is just brimming with info but best of all are the members with real experiance. There are a lot of types I have gordon River but am mainly in ANGFA for the conservation side Plus we all keep other fish beside natives.



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