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Busy day. :-)


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Got some wood sheets for my shelves yesterday, cut to size and stained yesterday. Today was ment to be an easy fun day with setting up a new display I picked up for $15. The plants were from someone who gave them to ekka show entries. Got a new 100w heater for $16.

Everything I did today took twice as long as it should have. Got very frustrated.

Final result is worth it. :-).


Rack result. All tanks been moved. Barracks has white fry in it. Other barracks in dinning room with display tank in kitchen and 3ft in lounge room. :-).


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I like looking at pictures of other people's fish areas and barracks. One question, how does the water from the back heater area get into the front sections? I've been looking at making a smaller divided tank like that for my males and am just tossing around ideas of how to put it all together.

Wish I could turn our spare room into a fish room *lol*

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Back right hand side there is a blue pipe. Airline goes into the top of that and bubbles inside the tube. This pulls water up and into front right hand side compartment. Same principle as sponge filter. :-).

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