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Is it wrong?


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As you all know, I had a killer aggressive disease in a tank which was fatal to the fish involved in 24 hrs. I scrub tank out in 40/60 bleach solution, soaked have fern, rinsed sponge filter out in above solution, then rinsed all well. Sat tank with sponge, heater in sun all day.

Just set tank back up with 50/50 rain water and aged treated tap water.

My dilemma is I am now choosing my "test" fish from my supply of freaks and "almost ran" fish I still have. I feel bad. I think the tank is ok but I still feel like I am doing the wrong thing.

Do you do this?

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Hey Paul

Have you been reading Mein Kampf again???. I recone some one has to take one for the team so if its the fat ugly kid so be it as it does end up leaving a better looking geno pool.

I supose what I am trying to say is, We all do it Budy so dont feel bad, In fact you feeling bad goes to show you have a consiance.



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if it helps at all....i use gambusia, there can survive almost any water conditions but i found where quite touchy to disease, i know NOONE wants to risk killing anything, but if you have to take the risk might as well be with a noxious pest from our water ways.....thats how i keep my guilt at bay lol

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Busman your guilt is in your head. If you are only using "almost ran" you were going to cull them anyway. As for the freaks well if they don't make it so be it. Sorry if this sounds harsh but I subscribe to Darwinism

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