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My Fish Set-Up

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Hi there,

I was looking through some threads last night at other peoples set-ups and fish rooms and it inspired me to take a photo of my little set-up :-) Hope you guys enjoy looking.


I have three male bettas and three male guppies atm, only got piccies of two of the males as the other one wasn't playing the game today :(





Please excuse all the power cords, am going to be doing something about that tomorrow!



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What's a fish room without that tangled mess of powerboards and cords you can only hope don't one day burn down the house? :lol: Someone is going to make a fortune once they discover how to make wireless heaters and filters.

Unusual colour on the first boy. Similar to a mustard gas.

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Power cords everywhere is a pain (and a possible hazard I guess, too), but is a part of fish keeping. My dad was kind enough to put a bunch of power points in my fish room, so it isn't much of a problem for me anymore.

I've read that you can spray paint cords different colours, and colour code them - so you always know which is which. I HAVE been meaning to get around to it, but doesn't look like it'll happen anytime soon.

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