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Filtration for Growout Tanks


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Interesting read, thanks for the link!

Haven't seen anything like that before... sounds like a good idea though.

Didn't mention anything on blocking the end of the pipe so the bettas can't get through, though. You would think that they wouldn't like the flow and be silly enough to go in... but I've had Bettas try and go into the filter pipes before.

#is paranoid of cheeky bettas.

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interesting- I never thought sponges were really very useful, but as a subscriber to the Growth Inhibiting Hormone (GIH)

How many water changes would she need to be doing with juvis that age?

Personally I move so much water in my grow outs I probably don't need filtration..... (however if i could get my kids that size in a group tank - that would reduce my water changes)

What's everyone's thoughts?

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She always seems to get good growth on her fry - and that was even before she used this filtration system. I'm willing to give it a try.

I know that with daily waterchanges you can get away without filtration, but having said that - my red VTs are on frozen bloodworm. They had their last waterchange last night, due for their next one now. The sponge filter I have running in the 3.5ft growout must have had a kink in the airline tube, as when I went to feed them a little while ago, the filter wasn't bubbling and the usually crystal clear water was cloudy and a couple of the runts were not looking too great. In this case, filtration seems to be necessary, and you can never over filter, right?

As Sarah suggested, I think I'll modify to make the pipe betta proof (had fry swim down the sponge filter outlet tube before... What I like about this set up is that there isn't a strong current, but good waterflow :D

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Expect a DIY thread the moment I get around to doing it. I was even thinking... thinner pieces of foam could be used as dividers in custom betta tanks instead of using the usual plastic embroidery canvas - that way it serves a dual purpose - divider + biological filter... :D

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