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Worlds greatest shave!


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Hey guys, I have just signed up to do the worlds greatest shave, my aim is $75, if you have some spare money it would be great if you could sponsor me to show your support :) You can donate here if you want to :) http://my.leukaemiafoundation.org.au/personalPage.aspx?registrationID=433998

Really pumped for this, a boy at my school has cancer and my Grandfather just passed away from advanced cancer, I wish we already had a cure for cancer..... This one is to support leukemia.

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AWESOME!! Once I get paid I'll be donating to worlds greatest shave somehow.

My grandpa got diagnosed with Lung cancer earlier this year.. and I never realised the seriousness of any cancers.

Wish I could do it. I loved dying my hair. Found a bottle of Cherry Pink in my drawer the other day and considered it..

Good on ya man :bighug:

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Thanks guys! Really looking forward to it!

Thanks Ness! I am now 46% of the way there. I was hoping to get school involved but it's not aloud lol so it's a secret shhhhh what are they going to do? Suspend me until it regrows?

I have before pictures already but I look like a try hard :)

Good luck Harry! I expect before and afer pictures!

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I am now at $55! Thanks everyone :)

I thought I had better check what the rules were for short hair at school, turns out if it is to short I get suspended until t regrows! Stupid school rules! So I sent the principle an email and I can't go shorter than a 3. After I sent him the email he quickly sent an email to every student saying they can't be completely shaved! What a killjoy! Anyways, I am having a friend shave it all of for me on Thursday the 13th!

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You're doing a great thing Matt. My brother died aged 25 from leukaemia in 1999 and every year someone in our family does the shave. One of my cousins wanted to do it this year, so we are supporting him.

I wish you all the best and hope you achieve your goal and more!!!!

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