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aqua bid


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Its a nasty drug Jennie. You will get hooked very quickly. Lol.

Give Jarrod a call, he knows all about it. Just remember that it's a gamble, anything can happen before you get your fish, chew his tail, change pattern (marble) ect. Lots of possibilities. I prefer to tell someone what I am after and organise it that way. It's not much cheaper either once you pay import costs.

Myself, I buy fish I can see in person. JMO.

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For shipment to Australia,

"For AUSTRALIAN purchasers - Bidders MUST contact the transhipper someone by email -someone@gmail.com BEFORE BIDDING. ...If you fail to do so your fish WILL NOT be accepted for import."

I really haven't had any problems using AB. There was the one time a HM I bought bit his tail off, but the breeder threw in a free pair as compensation. I was more than happy (the free fish were better quality) When you email/phone/visit someone, ask for a list of breeders she has dealt with and recommends. I am happy to add to that list with the breeders I know and have dealt with. Keep in mind once you pay for the fish and pay someone for quarantine, price isn't that much cheaper than buying from Fishchicks.

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I just imported three females from AB and they are due to be shipped to me on Monday. It was a really easy process, and this was my first time using Paypal and AB.

I simply contacted someone, got sent a Terms of Conditions document, and then bid on my fish. The TOC outlined step-by-step what I had to do, and then I simply emailed the seller and let him/her know what I wanted done.

My three females got exported out and arrived on the 14th and were released from quarantine on Wednesday afternoon. I then paid someone the quarantine and shipping charges, and she has kindly held them for me as I didn't want them sent out on a Thursday.

Hopefully when they get here, they haven't marbled out too drastically *lol* as they were in Thailand for a couple of weeks after payment.

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