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Vinegar eels


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Hey guys,

I bought a vinegar eel culture from eBay, and they said that it takes a month before you can harvest the eels.

Is this true?

I have never grown these things before, but it looks like there is clumps of white fat in the culture... is this normal?

Thanks :)

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Hey mandz,

You need at least a month or so to grow a continous supply of VE. Once that is done, you will have endless supply of VE.

What I am doing now is that once I know my culture is doing alright, I then transfer some of the VE into a new container and adding vinegar and green apples (any apples would do) to the container. I harvest most of my VE from that one new container and I leave the main stock untouched.

Only time I touch the main stock is when I need a new fresh supply VE.

So, I would recommend put some of the VE culture from the eBay culture into a new container. What I find easy for me is to shine my torch along the surface of the water and using baby dropper suck any VE I can get. I find shining along the surface of the water, I could spot where most of VE are swimming and use that group to re start my new culture.

Hope that help. :D

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Do you have to do anything to VE?

I got some of fighters4u a couple of months ago, watched the dvd...added the apple and the cider etc did all that, ...I didnt have a spawn at the time so I havent touched it since..would it still be ok?

Sorry didnt mean to hijack but though it was relevant..

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I think from my personal experience, it should be okay. Occasionally, I will remove the muck on the top layer of the water so that some air can go through.

Most of the time I just leave them there to rest and multiply and do what VE do best. :D

I was thinking of draining the water out but now thinking how much VE I would loss by doing this.

I read somewhere they put sugar in the VE culture to give them food. I have not done so.

But, I hope there are people in the forum to shed a light on this. I am just a beginner too learning the trade of keeping and breeding betta.

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why do you need to drain the water? I use 1:1 ratio of vinegar to water, I use a slice of apple for food and ignore it for 11.5 months out of 12 months of the year. No need to drain no need extra fed, I occasionally get some out to sell or fed my babies.

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