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Question Re: Shrimp


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I have taken an interest in shrimp and was curious as to what they are like to look after and breed. I have noticed alot of people are always wanting cherry shrimp so am contemplating breeding them in a small tank along side my larger community one.

If anyone could provide me some info in regards to what their like and if they are worthwhile i would be greatly appreciative.



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Hey Shaun,

I have a whole heap of cherry shrimp in a small community tank- I started off with 5, that was two months ago- I have now lost count- they are everywhere!

Soooo, very easy to breed, just pop 'em in and let 'em go!

I have them in with about 15 neon tetras and they haven't bothered each other.

That being said, its heavily planted- lots of java moss.

Tank temp hovers around 22.

Hope that helps,


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lol... I wish I can say the same. My first attempt had no mass dead shrimp but no babies either. I'm currently up to my second attempt with them. So far so good, feeding algae wafer, sinking wafer and blanched vegetables.

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I find shrimp very easy, just provide lots of moss for the babies to live in, or a sponge filter, they are full of little foodables for them. If you keep them with fish ensure they have lots of hiding places. The only fish that won’t touch them are ottos, all others will eat them, some only the new borns. I keep mine with endlers, once you get a population going They can survive the occasional loss to the fish.

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I have had mixed results with cherries but have noticed an increase of late in young in my tank

I also have some in a pond outdoors and was noticing today some berried females, they have been outdoors for about 7 months now and survived the winter.

Joan be carfull not to overfeed I think this may be a common problem with shrimp in generall

if you want to breed shrimp for money look at CRS or CBS


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I have had mixed results with cherries but have noticed an increase of late in young in my tank

I also have some in a pond outdoors and was noticing today some berried females, they have been outdoors for about 7 months now and survived the winter.

Joan be carfull not to overfeed I think this may be a common problem with shrimp in generall

if you want to breed shrimp for money look at CRS or CBS


thanks for all the information, sorry i am not quiet familiar with shrimp what is CRS or CBS stand for obviously a type of shirmp and how to do they compar to cherry shrimp?

I looked on wikipedia and they recommend atleast a 40litre tank for a community of shrimp can anyone either agree or disagree with this as i have to purchase a new tank and whatever is required so any info re: requirements would be great to :) i appreciate all the help :)



CRS = crystal red shrimp, found that on google lol, what makes them and cbs better to breed for money as opposed to cherry?

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They are worth more as they breed slower, arn't hardy and need a chiller in Summer. I recomend you start with cherries (rcs). They breed like the clappers and will thrive in any size tank. I have them breeding in a 15 litre tank.

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Hi Les not sure of your temp other than it gets hot over your way.

My ponds are nothing special black plastic I have 3 in total only one has shrimp with some tadpoles as well from last breeding season, not sure if the frogs are eat shrimp?

The temps here get cold and we have had some frosts of late, I will try and remeber to take the themometer out and check water temp for you

I am trying for a tropical look in the garden wich is hard to acheive in our climate, but I am sure you can get the idea.

The ponds have been in for some time now and the idea was to join them all up, still on my list of things to do one day




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That yard looks fantastic mate. Very well done. I could loose myself in that for hours. :-)

Hey busman a bit hard to loose yourself for a hours unless you take a six pack with you its really quite a small area

I have a lot of trouble with cherries in a 6 litre tank. Okay... almost nothing will live in the 6 litre except a betta. I might try them in the daphnia box outside.

I also just have some under the pergola in a foam fish box with a few bits of plants in there just in case my pond stock didnt make it, but they will soon be joining the others in the pond.

Personally the ones in the pond have grown better and better color than the ones in the foam box


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Ok mine are going in the glass house as well as the guppies and the Betta growouts. It dosnt realy get to cold hear as I am just north of perth and 5Min walk to the beach no frost(oopppss) dont want to hijack this thread Sorry



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temp at 5pm yesterday after a pretty good day here in Melbourne

water temp pond 13.5c foam box 15c temp 7am today pond 9.5 foam box 11.5

I am a little surprised I would have thought colder but it has got a lot colder than these

Les I would think your main concern will be the heat when summer comes you may need to put an airstone in


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Ill need to put a few air stones in there I am just working out a solar power option for the air pump at present.I didnt realise you where in Melbourne Thats a great tropical look for there I have some Gingers that will handle your temp I can send some ryzomes over if you like?

Hedychium, Alpinia, costa,would be OK the rest that I grow are realy to tropical for Melbourne.



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Hi Les those pics where taken during warmer months so not looking as good at the moment but I know it will all come back soon.

Very interested in the gingers you have, I do have one but not sure what type, but can find room for more in there somewhere

I will send you a PM over the weekend and see what we can arrange.

Also apologise to Shaun85 for going of topic



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Hi Les those pics where taken during warmer months so not looking as good at the moment but I know it will all come back soon.

Very interested in the gingers you have, I do have one but not sure what type, but can find room for more in there somewhere

I will send you a PM over the weekend and see what we can arrange.

Also apologise to Shaun85 for going of topic



No need to apologize i enjoyed reading the convo and gives me big plans for when i buy a house in the country in a few years lol :)

besides its still about shrimp!

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No mates that are sparkies? you will have to network a bit I think Job swaps mighht get it done for you



No point paying with my own money to increase someone elses house value lol especiall when the rents high enough

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OK so how about for $499.00 you can get a solar panel for a caravan that can charge a large battery that will run a few heaters and pumps no prob and if you dont intend to grow plants you realy only need lights for your conveniance dont know what the wal floor set up is but road side collect is one of my favourate games to play especialy after dark and all of that can be taken with you when you leave,

Every man deserves a fish room (Man Cave)



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