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Are bristlenose eating my plants?


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Got three Bristlenose catfish for my display tank a couple of weeks ago. One in each of the three compartments. The idea was that they will eat the algae as guy at LFS said mystery snails don't do well in warm water and I kinda don't like snails much anyway, gooey things :blush: lol anyways I told I him I had anubias, amazon swords and java moss in there and would the bristlenose eat it? The answer was no. Well swords are looking really worse for wear, lots of the leaves have been gradually reduced to vain skeletons and one of the anubias, but just one, looks like green swiss cheese! Google suggests that rasping teeth may simply be tearing the swords and they're not necessarily eating them?

As for anubias, I thought they were bitter and most plant eaters don't like them?

I've been to the moon and back trying to make those blasted swords happy and now... ugh lol :P

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We have Anubias on logs in all the tropical tanks at work, never seen bristlenose destroy one. My dadsBN are signifificantly larger (largest ones I've ever seen) and they demolished a sword plant I put in there.

It does sound like they may be chewing on them though. Is there any yellowing on the plant with holes in it?

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Right thats it! That bristlenose is a goner! lol :P its been shifted to another section which contains so swords ;) The Anubia is a mystery, I suppose Mr (or possibly Mrs) Bristlenose is overly peckish and was on a roll with the swords so hey, why not have a nibble and see? :P

Yan there is yellowing but its been like that a while which I think is iron. Just started adding extra iron... then came the Bristlenose and it got even yellower <_< not really 'holes' just as in my initial description its like they eat the green off and leave the veins somehow, the stems on some, leaf still vibrant green but stem yellow and thin and decaying, weird.

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