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Starting to jar fry


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I had to start jarring a few of the more aggressive fry last night. This is the earliest I've ever had to do it. Usually I find I am jarring at around 12 weeks, not 7. Just wondering how early everyone else jars?

Started with Migaloo, the biggest of the bunch flaring (isn't it cute when they learn to do that? It is like when a kitten first learns to hiss and goes around hissing at everything.) I thought it would wait until morning, until I noticed him lining up his siblings and torpedoing into them full speed. I jarred him quick smart, then after they swarmed around the jar and noticed that the bully had been contained, another stepped up to the plate. This went on 4 more times. Harmony has been temporarily restored, but I'll have to keep a close eye on them. They look so tiny in their jars - LOL.

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I didn't jar at all for my last spawn. I kept an eye out at around 10 weeks when the males start to develop aggressiveness but after a short period of time they seem to lose interests. They'll flare at each other but I didn't see any sever fin damage or injuries.

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Thanks guys,

I've got a couple with shredded tails, so hoping they will grow back without lasting damage.

Having said that, they do look cute flaring!

@sunnylass: I usually put up weekly progress photos in my spawn log on the weekends when I get a chance to take photos. I'll definitely be putting some there in a couple of days!

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