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Feeding Live Food


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At the moment I'm feeding my bettas frozen blood worms and betta pellets. I thought it might be better for them, and slightly more interesting for me if I fed them live food. I've had a look at a few other threads and some of them go into hatching BBS, and I know I could let them grown and feed them to my bettas (or even just the hatchlings), but I haven't seen anything about Cherry Shrimp. Can I breed some out and feed them to my bettas? If so why are Brine Shrimp a preference over the Cherry Shrimp?

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Brine shrimp are a heck of a lot cheaper. They're also not cute. Cherry shrimp are. ;) Adult cherry shrimp could not be fed to a Betta, or at least not to mine who lives with Cherry and Ghost shrimp.

Stick with mozzie wrigglers (there's a good article on harvesting them somewhere on here), Brine shrimp and fresh blackworm.

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In theory you can, but they're expensive and not to mention "they're pet not food"... If you want to feed live food there a lot of different foods you can feed and culture at home, I culture whiteworms, grindalworms and I even manage to culture some blackworms (not intentionally and still need to perfect the harvesting technique) and of course as Yan mentioned mossie larvae are all good foods for betta fish. There's plenty of alternative around, you don't have to feed these tiny cute cherry shrimps.

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You can also culture daphnia. If you don't like the idea of mozzies swarming around your house, put a mosquito net over the daphnia tub. I personally don't give my fish a lot of live food. If I remember and I'm not feeling too lazy to harvest, they get grindals. Sometimes if I'm having trouble with getting a pair to spawn I might go out and buy a small serve of adult brineshrimp or live blackworms. But most of the time they just eat pellets.

I once kept some pregnant guppies with my female bettas thinking that they could occasionally have a live food snack. They didn't, or if they did they didn't do it often enough to prevent the tank eventually being completely overrun with guppies. *lol*

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I just thought that if I put a few adults in the tank and they bred, my bettas would have a bit of fun chasing their food around a little. But seeing as they are so cute maybe not :D I will give the BBS a go first as it sounds pretty simple and will give me something to do for a bit. I was going to get some guppies for the tank, but everyone is saying they breed like crazy!

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I have many male and female guppies, yet aren't trying to breed them, but would like to have some guppy fry. Just a community tank (my dad's) and when the females are about to lay I put them in this barrack thingy. Sadly, the fry don't survive as the females eat them. I haven't even got one! Never even seen any!!! <_<

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I once kept some pregnant guppies with my female bettas thinking that they could occasionally have a live food snack. They didn't, or if they did they didn't do it often enough to prevent the tank eventually being completely overrun with guppies. *lol*

Really? I'm planning to keep a pair of platies to do that exact same thing... I thought if there isn't a lot of plants it will get eaten rather quickly.

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