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Sulking fish


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Hi all,

My fish Frodo appears to be sulking. I put him in his nice 32 litre tank two days ago and he kinda just hid behind a corner at the back and has progressively become more pale and sullen. The Ph, amonia etc are all fine, and the temp is right on 37 (meant to read 27). I thought maybe it was the filter so I have turned that of, but he still wont come out. Could it be that he is overwhelmed by the bigger tank. Cadbury (other fish) loves his new tank and is thriving ... I don't understand????


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Well in that case, my Crowntail sulked when his tank was moved less than a foot to the right of where it was previously located. He got over it in about a week. Some fish just don't like change and take a while to adjust. Maybe someone else will have another idea as to what might be bothering him.

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Has he got something to play with or amuse himself with.... such as plants... an ornament he can swim through.... moss to hide in or lay on.... etc....

If he's just having a sulk .... whatever happens he will come and greet you when he's hungry....

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He has two real plants, a silk plant, a log and a tunnel. He tends to hang out under the filter or heater, in the back corner. I have put a big mirror on the side of his tank and he has come out and flared a bit (a good sign I think). He was sitting at eye height on my desk at work before his move to the bigger tank and used to watch me all day, so maybe he is lonely. I have 5 neons and a catfish in with Cadbury (other fish) and they all swim around happily together. Should I do a 25% water change just in case it is the water, or will this just stress him out more. BTW, when I put my hand in his tank, this fish loves to swim up and around my hand, so maybe he likes company? (am I giving fish to many emotions ... used to other animals like cats, dogs, rabbits and horses)


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Don't underestimate the emotions of a betta. Mine get crabby with me and flare at me when I "forget" to feed them (It's more or less that it's fast day...)

Fish react differently so maybe he's just getting adjusted and was stressed out by the move? Cadbury might be more active and happy straight away because he's a much more "outgoing" fish.

If he shows other signs then I'd start worrying but in this case I'd just say he's a bit shaken.. Took my Neptune about a week or so to adjust to the new 2 ft tank he was put in... Then he began flaring a little bit and was fine after that.

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So i changed about a quarter of the tank and he came out and swam around my hand, all be it somewhat slowly. I left my hand in the water with him for about ten minutes and he swam over and under and around it and eventually I was able to get him to eat three pieces of food (normally he is ravenous and does not need to be 'shown' the food). Eventually I had to pull my hand out as it was going prune like, but I am pleased to say he has not returned to his corner and has 'pinked up' a bit (although he looks far from active). Maybe he misses the daily water change and the activity it entails. I hope he is not getting sick ... It is very reasuring to hear other peoples fish sulk that I am not reading to much into his 'mood' for a fish!

Oh, and by the way, I have purchased a couple of fish from someone and they should arrive tommorow. Any suggestions as to how to 'settle them in'?


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She has some advice on settling fish in here http://ausaqua.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=4057 :)

i think

don't feed on the first day. let the fish rest somewhere quiet. keep the males carded. no bright lights etc

some salt in the water may be of benefit.

as much as you want to play with your new guys - leave them alone!!

some may take a day or two to lift from the bottom. feed very little until they are fully up and about

is all you would need to worry about.

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