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Just thought I'd say hi and introduce myself. Last week at a market I saw these beautiful fish ... the guy selling them assured me I needed nothing more than a little glass jar and some fish food, so I bought two. After a day I noticed both fish had become pale and seemed listless, so I got on the net and boy was I in for a shock! The first thing I did was transfer them to bigger containers, and took them to work (the building is nice and warm as opposed to my intermittently heated home). I have since purchased two 30 litre tanks with most of the gear (second hand) and will spend the weekend setting up their new homes before bringing them back home.

Mordor and Frodo have returned to their former glorious colour (one is red with indigo blue fins and the other is indigo blue with red tips on his fins) and are active and curious in thier temporary tanks (3 litre vases). I am besotted with the little sods, and I think my boss will be happy to see them go as I spend my days gazing at the tank rather than my screen ... sigh. So in my research I have learnt that I need at least a ten litre tank, a heater, a filter, some plants and a toy or two. Can anyone tell me if I have forgotten anything important (I have the tap water crystals and am changing 50% of water every other day and 90% on Friday before the weekend). Any ideaa on how I can split the thirty litre tanks and still have the water cycle between both sides as I'd like two more for my daughter/

Also, I saw a picture of a purple betta ... does anyone in melbourne know where I can get one?

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Hi Bec. Welcome to AAQ.

Unless you have pretty good DIY skills I'm not sure I'd recommend trying to do the split yourself. However, have a look at the Equipment & DIY forum. A few people have written about how created barracks. There are lots of variations.

Not sure about the purple betta. Some people find what we call royal blue to be purplish. But I've never seen what I'd call a true purple betta in real life. The photos I've seen looked like the photo may have been modified.

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Welcome! :D

Glad to hear you getting into the betta hobby :) Im also so glad that you did do research after buying them! :D Best of luck setting up the tanks, by the sounds of it you have a good idea of all you need. Remember also if your getting fake plants, get silk ones, as the plastic will tear their fins :)

Id really love to see some pictures of your fish, Im a sucker for pictures :D

I agree with Bettarazzi, the purple betta is a bit of a myth :P

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Hi Bec, welcome to our forum!

Can anyone tell me if I have forgotten anything important

You will need a water dechlorinating preparation (if you don't already have one). "Prime" is great stuff for this purpose as it removes both chlorine and chloramine.

May I also advise you to steer well away from any "resin" ornaments or plant bases as these can leach toxins into the water. For this same reason you should also avoid "painted" pebbles. A varied diet is essential for the health and longevity of your fish. As you can appreciate, they are totally dependant upon you.

By using the "search" facility on this forum you will find a lot of information for pertaining to the proper care of your little mates. Cheers,-Brad

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For Mothers day I got a voucher from my kids for fishes ... very cute (it was a pice of cut out cardboard with a ten dollar note shaped into a triangle head and 20 one dollars coins taped to it like scales). So I went to the fish shop and bought another betta (as close to purple as I could get, now that I know the dark purple does not exist). It is a CT and I felt sorry for it ... this will have to stop! I will post a photo once it is in its tank and I figure how to do so,



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