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about aquarium plants


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"Cheap" will depend on what you need. The bunch plants sold in most aquarium stores are cheap, but will not last as most are bog plants, not true aquatics. What you need for your aquascape will depend on your set up - do you have high light and a good, rich substrate? Are you going to use CO2?

We have a huge range of plants and can ship - but need to know what you are looking for to really help.

Cheers, someone

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A friend & I have recently set up 7 aquariums and the plants we got from someone (someone's) store have far oustripped anything else for quality, lushness & longevity, and, for the same or less $'s. We won't buy elsewhere now.

My boys' fave plant is their Subwassertang & someone's is inexpensive & superb - nothing warms the cockles of the heart more than to see a Betta lounging on it whilst looking at you with one eye cocked as much as to say, "This is the life, pass me another G&T will ya"!

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Thanks for reply someone, I had a pair of Betta from you and they are fabulous. I just bought a Eheim 2075 external filter for the tank. the whole CO2 system. proper lighting system. ADA aqua soil Amazonia II for substrates. sorry about my poor English, what I mean cheap plants is not cheap in price, I mean for the same quanlity, cheaper place to get them. how much the acture plants cost is not a issue. don't want people make to much profit on this. :)

Edited by Ben
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I've had plants from someone before and they're good quality - chain swords are spreading everywhere!

If you want another source of Australian plants - AquaGreen has some too and they're pretty generous with quantities and the quality is pretty good - even shipping them from the NT doesn't harm them at all...

But also work out what you want and put a wanted in the classifieds as Lisa suggested and you never know what people will offer to sell / give .....

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