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Feeding my male betta advice needed!


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Hi Guys

Im just wanting some advice on what to feed my male betta Fred!

Im wanting to try him on something other than what i have him on now which is pellets

I have heard about frozen bloodworms etc but am just wanting advice on what would be more suitable and also wanting to know before i go ahead as i dont want to feed him the wrong thing

Any advice and help would be greatly appreciated!

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Frozen bloodworms should be fine just dont over feed it to them id say once or twice a week as a treat to much i think i read can cuase bloating or some thing along those lines

Also you can feed them brine shrimp

live mozzie larvay

Cooked pea ive heard and tried them seem to like it, is also another good food for bettas helps keep them regular.

hope that gave you some idears im no expert but my fish seem to like it :lol:

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some people think that the bloodworms have hooks that can damage the betta's stomach. I haven't had that issue personally, but that is the perception.

freeze dried blackworms seem to me to be the perfect food for bettas. If you were willing to culture live grindal worms, they are also excellent food.

Just remember a betta's stomach is only as large as its eye and DON'T overfeed.

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Frozen bloodworms should be fine just dont over feed it to them id say once or twice a week as a treat to much i think i read can cuase bloating or some thing along those lines

Also you can feed them brine shrimp

live mozzie larvay

Cooked pea ive heard and tried them seem to like it, is also another good food for bettas helps keep them regular.

hope that gave you some idears im no expert but my fish seem to like it :(

so the reason you shouldnt feed a betta to much is because it can make them bloat but is that becaause of how they froze them or because of hooks? I had always given them out with caution after being told there was too much protien in live and freeze dried foods but that doesnt seem to make sense because in the wild that is what they would live off of? Just curious there are so many warnings but isnt that sort of thing how they survived in the wild?

also I try to feed my priscilla freeze dried bloodworms but he doesnt seem to like them as much usually getting bored with it by the end of the feeding deffinately not as excited as when he gets pellets! weird boy... :fish:

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it's nothing to do with protein. Just don't overfeed them in terms of quantity, period. They'd never come across a dollop of wriggling blackworms as big as your thumbnail in the wild, and even if they did, they would have to share them!

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