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I havent been able to find anything on the net, so can anyone please tell me if Bumble Bee Gobies and bristlenoses can be put in the same tank with Guppies, the Gobies are in with the Guppies but I would like to get some Bristlenose, I had a Bristlenose in with the dwarf gouramis after being told they wouldnt touch it, then a few weeks later I found some of the Bristlenose in the plants.



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Charlie, I looked into getting those bumble bee gobies but they really need to be in a tank with slower tankmates. Bns should be okay but the guppies will probably eat the food before the gobies will be able to. Also, check what gobies they are. Some prefer brackish water and your guppies wont necessarily like this.

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Hi Lyarlla

I have had the Gobies in with the Guppies for awhile now they are the cutest things, I feed the guppies at the front of the tank and the Gobies at the back, they do prefer live food so they keep the guppy fry number down, sorry if this offends anyone. I just wasnt sure if the Bristlenose and Gobies would have a go at each other. Thanks

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I kept bumblebee's in my 3.4ft tropical tank with a clown laoch, 4 BN's, butterfly rams, neon's, betta fry, guppys and a myriad of different fish and they out lasted them all (except the BN's) The loved it when I fed them live blackworm but I'd often find them ferociously having a go at the frozen bloodworm blocks and bbs. They'll eat anything in my opinion and the ones you get from the LFS are used to living in home aquarium situations...in nature they prefer brackish water I'm sure, but my LFS bought ones did great in my tropical tank

Hope they're doing well

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Bn's are fine either way. If you get two male bns they can be a little bit territorial.

Would be very interested to hear more about people who keep their gobies in tropical tanks with faster moving fish. I thought these guys were adorable in the shops but the need for live food put me off them.

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