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Crispy Fish


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I had to move my small tank today, due to a flooding disaster behind my dishwasher, and my adult guppies in the tank are a little freaked.

To make it very sad, my pretty boy squeezed inbetween a gap in the lid. I just found him far too late. He was very crispy. *cry*

At least I have many of his babies, and maybe there will be some more very pretty little mutt guppies.


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When I was a kid my dad used to keep 'siamese fighters'. We are talking early 70's and they were not well understood, at least not in my house anyway. I still remember that the morning ritual was to get up, brush your teeth, then go and pick up the fish from the floor. The tanks were not covered and I remember dad had a heap of males. I guess during the night they would try and get at each other. Carding was unheard of.

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I used to keep fish tanks on the top of a sideboard against a wall. I'm sure there are a few crispies still behind it, from my earliest (most incompetent) fish days.

It's never a good thing to lose fish like this. It'll be ok tho.

The kids look great :)

Sadly, that was the pretty boy. The fry are still at the boring pale stage. I really hope that his pretty pattern and colouration has some dominance though.

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