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Help for breeding b/n


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Hi everyone

Have just got a spawn out of bristlenose I bought only one week ago, took me by suprise actually.

Any tips for feeding them as the male and the fry don't venture outside the cave.

Do i just let them do there own thing or do i need to try feeding them.


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They will leave the cave when they are ready. Usualy 7-10days after hatching. They eat their yolk for that time.

I feed zucchini. Some ppl put it on a skewer and it stays at the bottom. I am yet to go buy some skewers (lazy me! lol) so i put them in a cup of water, in the microwave, till they are semi cooked and dont float anymore. they then stay at the bottom where the fry will cover it and gorge down.

I also use brine shrimp pellets and green algae discs alternating. And occasionally frozen bloodworm cubes.

Once they start breeding, you will have heaps! I have eggs/newborns in the cave atm for my third 'spawn' in six wks!!! lmfao



keep us up to date.

oh, i know this sounds stupid, but google breeding bristlenose catfish. Some sights are good. or plecofanatics.com

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lmfao in your mouth? hilarious! *visualising the sight of you sucking a pea and spitting it into a tank full of baby bn waiting eagerly*



Will try the peas with them.

I have a stunning peppermint trio in a 3ft tank atm. Hoping that they are happy enough to breed in the next month or so. Will be babying them HEAPS i can tell you! Damn expensive things!!!

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