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Making a sponge filter


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I have a *fantastic* Eheim internal filter. The sponge inside is cylindrical. Do you reckon I could whip it out, chuck an airstone and a plastic riser tube in there, and expect it to work?

I have never had a sponge filter before so I'm not sure if there is something I'm missing....

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You need to make holes in the riser tube and the sponge needs to cover all those holes. The end needs to be either sealed or covered by the sponge. Alternatively you can still use the Eheim but cover the inflow area with nylon stocking to prevent fry getting sucked in. Is there a reason why you don't want to simply by a sponge filter? I'm just thinking that if you've got a good filter that works perfectly well, why mess around with it and potentially ruin it forever? If you're really, really keen on DIY you wouldn't necessarily have to use the Eheim sponge. The shape of the sponge doesn't matter at all. You don't even have to use a sponge. You just have to get water flowing through a filter medium that fry won't get sucked through. So get a rigid tube, make holes in the bottom section, then cover the whole bottom section with something like filter wool, and secure it to the tube with rubber bands. You can then secure your DIY filter to the side of the tank with one of those suction cups they use for heaters.

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Well, mostly because no-one here sells sponge filters... Of course I can order one but then I have to pay shipping. Plus my Eheim is already all nice and seasoned and full of bacteria, saving me from having to start a new sponge.

I really just want to use the Eheim with a stocking, but the lowest flow setting is very strong. I use it in my Bristlenose fry tank normally because they like the strong flow.

I think I shall do as you suggest and make one from scratch. Thanks!

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there is an aquarium at Belmont that sells them.

I will be placing an order with an online store soon and could include the sponge filter in it, then you could come pick it up when you like? You wont have to pay postage as they charge $7.50 regardless of the size of the order.


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