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Sea Snails


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I'm not sure if this is the right place to put the thread lol...

I'm getting a much bigger tank soon, so after a while, I'll have 18L empty tank... I will also be getting some blue tongues soon.

Now, snails can be fed to bluies, and I was thinking I could breed sea snails in my tank as treats for them, and to put some into my bigger tank, etc. My questions are...

What exactly is involved with breeding and keeping sea snails? If you know, are the chemicals used in aquariums toxic to other animals? And if so, how long would it take for the snails to be "chemical- free" if kept in unconditioned water (eg. in another temporary tank before feeding), and if this is detrimental to the snails at all?


~ notechistiger.

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do you mean freshwater aquatic snails? Or marine smails? marine snails have shells a blue tongue might have trouble chewing. I think freshwater aquatic snail shells are pretty tough too. Don't know much about breeding them, as mine just breed themselves. Constantly!

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I am assuming like Lilly you mean freshwater snails. Marine snails would be possible too but if you had the right conditions to breed them you would need to de-shell them before feeding bluetongue.

As for freshwater snails, probably ramshorn is your best bet as they are as prolific as freshwater snails get and their shells would be easier to crush for your bluetongue. I wouldn't worry about the chemicals in the water; just don't add any!!!

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why dont you catch some garden snails and try and breed them, Blueys love them, and egg, either hard boiled or raw. If you live in lake macquarie i could give you tons of eggs lol.

The snails dont need any extra care, they eat pretty much anything, and may be very sensitive to copper like shrimp, not 100% sure about that.


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