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Bubbling Ornaments


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I think it's more a matter of personal taste. I like to have airstones in my tanks, hubby likes the little ornaments. The only thing with some of the bigger ones is that they seem to re-lease one massive bubble every 5 seconds or so rather than a stream of them and I'm not sure that would be doing much to oxygenate the water, so a second source might be needed.

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yeah i guessed that... i might be getting a new 100 to 200 l fish tank for my b-day which i only have one filter for so i think a small airstone so the waters well oxygenated. should i get a plain airstone and hide it away or should look into a decorative airstone?

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I think it depends on how you want your tank to look. I have seen some great tanks decorated with quirky ornaments, you could go with a theme. I saw one tank with piranhas in it and a tiny scoober diver in there, it was very cute. ( I could have seen it on here, not sure).

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