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Black Orchid - Trial Class


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In response to official requests from Area 6, the IBC Judging Board has approved a Trial Class for the following Black Patterned Betta which will be added to the Division E Classes. It will be added to the Area 6 class list for the 2008-2009 show year. A Black Orchid patterned Betta should be a black fish with any one of the dark iridescent colors as a color streak between each ray of all the unpaired fins. The iridescent color streaks between the rays can be steel blue, blue, or green/turquoise but steel blue is preferred over the other iridescent colors. The body of a Black Orchid should be a solid dark black throughout and not show the presence of marbling or red wash. A uniform color depth from the tip of the mouth to the end of all fin rays is ideal, and there should not be any bleeding of the iridescent coloration from the fins onto the body.

In general, the faults of a Black Orchid are similar to Black.

Fault Guide for the Black Orchid

1. Clear pectoral fins (should be black) – Slight

2. White ventrals - Slight

3. Iridescent color missing on the ventral fins – Slight

4. Iridescent color missing between 2 rays of the unpaired fins – Slight

5. Iridescent color missing between rays of more than 1 unpaired fin – minor

6. Red on fins – minor (unless extensive – judge may upgrade to major; or move to multicolor or butterfly as required)

7. Clear fin edges – minor (unless extensive – upgrade to major)

8. Iridescent color on the body – Severe

9. Presence of metallic on body – Severe (if extensive should be moved to bicolor; or multicolor if unevenly spread. Intrusion of metallic onto the body may manifest itself as yellow spots against a black background)

10. Presence of red wash (“rust”) – Severe

11. Presence of marbling – Severe (should be moved to marble)

12. Presence of opaque is a disqualifying fault unless restricted to the ventral fins.

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The most interesting thing to me is the lack of irids on the body which nearly all blacks, melanos, and black orchids from Asia have. But I suppose it's a 'least faults' system so the fish with the least amount of irid on the body will win. Everything else being equal.

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  • 2 months later...

The most interesting thing to me is the lack of irids on the body which nearly all blacks, melanos, and black orchids from Asia have. But I suppose it's a 'least faults' system so the fish with the least amount of irid on the body will win. Everything else being equal.

I'd love to see the results Mike :P

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