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neon tetra disease


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:P started with ten tetras and am now down to five. after some research it sounds like ntd, but is there a way to be sure? all symptoms seem to fit! i have also read that it is incurable, but some have said to use Protozin. will Protozin harm my other fish, i have 2 gouramis and 2 sharks who are all happy?? Help!!! :fun:

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Throw up a list of the signs and a rough timeline :P There are a few things that can look much like NTD, so many fish illnesses have overlapping symptoms. I suspect that the ones that suggest Protozin were probably dealing with something that looked similar, but it is hard to say without lab testing to confirm.

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How old is the tank? How large? How long was it running before you put the neons in? What kind of filter? I lost some neons last year to what I thought at the time was NTD but I'm now pretty sure I added them before the tank was sufficiently cycled.

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I was in a LFS recently (In SA), and i asked him if he had any neon tetras ( to put in my new tank).

He said they weren't stocking them atm, as there is some sort epidemic going around atm with them.... I was at this shop about a week and half ago..

However i went to another LFS a couple days ago , that had a tank full of them and hadn't heard of anything up with them.. I didn't buy any just in case.

I have a couple of them in my small tank, but i have had them for ages, and they seem to be ok :P

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