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hey got africans?


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hey everyone,

my name is stace, i've been keeping ornamentals for around 4yrs and breeding for 3.

i have kept many species but concentrating on african cichlids

i have listed what i am currently breeding in the breeder profile section, check it out!

the rest of the fish i have are:

1 x Fighter cambodian (thought i better list that first for you guys haha) :byebye:

13 x Neolamprologus Tretocephalus

16 x Telmatochromis Vittatus

1 x Altolamprologus fire fin Compressicep

1 x Altolamprologus red head Compressicep

24 x Altolamprologus gold Compressicep

2 x Spathodus Erythrodon red line Kigoma

1 x Cyprichromis Leptosoma Utinta Bay

2 x Tropheus Bulu Point

i am keen to trade fish with locals also.

i can air freight with AAE

and currently looking into fastways.

i have heaps of juvies for sale atm and lots more to come

thanks :)

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  • 7 months later...
Guest riannonadam

hi stacey i know your post was ages ago just wondering if you still have any altos for sale and as im way down the coast at jervis bay NSW what sort of money is it to freight to say ALBION PARK nSW?

im interested in good colonies of any of those species,but have never looked into freighting

thanks my email is riannonnn@optusnet.com

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