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willow in tank

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Ive been doing some googling about the water in my fry tank going green and a couple of sources have suggested putting a willow branch into the tank will fix the problem.

The theory is that as the willow sets roots it absorbs all manner of stuff that causes water to turn green.

Apparanlty this is common practice for German fishkeepers who do it regularly to keep fry tanks clear.

HAS anyone heard of or done this themselves???

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I've heard of it, but never tried it. As far as I know, marginal plants do a more efficient job of sucking nutrients than aquatics. I'm about to try lucky bamboo in a similar way, so I hope it works!

Might be worth checking the status of willow before you go grabbing cuttings, I think it might be declared noxious in some areas.

On the green water, check that the tank is cycled too. :D

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Thanx Callatya . Yeah Im sure its noxious here so Id have to be sure not to dump it back into the waterways.( if I try it ).

The tank was cycled I think I overloaded with too much food.

Oh and is the lucky bamboo youre talking about just the little ornamental one that you pick up at places like Big W. Ive seen it growing in tubes with just water , would this be the go as they often sell them off cheap at work ( Big W ) coz of the short shelf life.

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That's the one. I've seen a big vase full of the lucky bamboo with guppies swimming around the base. It didn't look like it had been cleaned, well, ever really. They seem to suck up water really well and I've had two curly ones from IKEA (flat packed plants??) for about 6 months now and they are really looking good. They are a marginal plant too (not really bamboo, they just look like it) so in theory they should work. Doubt they'd hurt anyway ;)

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Thanx Cal..I went for a wonder down the river yesterday and not 1 willow , neighbour since tells me they did a big river rescue coz it was choking the waterways so I think Ill give your idea a go and grab a lucky bamboo.

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I got a couple of half dead lucky bamboo sticks cheap from work on Thursday , then found an old plastic aquatic plant pot which i attached to the side of the fry tank with suction cups and sat the bamboo in so they are poking out of the top of the tank.

The bamboo has sprouted new roots and the water seems to be cleaner. Im doing daily small water changes and the water always looks the same but today it is less cloudy and has lost the greenish hue .

Thats only after 3 days so Im thinking this is a winner and will be keeping it in any future fry tanks. Thanks Callatya for the idea.

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