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New Perthite!

Guest female fighter

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Guest female fighter

Hello everyone,

I'm from Perth and am trying to figure out how to tranship from Thailand and then onto Perth a betta. Want to say hi to all the Perth people and if any of you can help a newbie it would be awesome!

I'm realatively new to it all but have kept a few Bettas in my tropical tank with some neons and clown loaches before. My last pair of females (which I bought from the local fish store) were of the boring wild type but never-the-less I loved those little fishies.

Unfortunately, they caught a disease which I believe to have been fish TB or at least bacterial which left my elder fish with an ulcer which weakened and eventually killed her. I treated the tank with some bay leaf oil (antibacterial) which worked for a while (healing my younger fishes ulcer) but eventually she died as well for an unknown reason as she had no visible ulcer.

Anyway, I sold the rest of my loaches and tetras (which were completely unaffected by the disease, to the best of my observations anyway) and sanitized the tank which I am looking at keeping an ornamental / show betta in.

BTW what are others thoughts on keeping a male and female betta together in the same tank without the purpose for breeding. I did it once and the pair seemed perfectly happy. They attempted to breed initially but as the water was flowing a bit to much for a bubble nest they both kind of forgot about it and just got on with eating and swimming. They seemed happy with each others company and when the male did finally get old and frail she chased him a bit for being weaker but let him die peacefully in the end.

Cheers all,

Amy : )

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Hey Amy

Welcome to AusAqua!! :D

Im not 100% sure on Transhipping.. but from what Ive seen from other members is that they get the seller to ship to Jodie-Lea Matheson who then sends it to you. (and you pay jodie transhipping costs from hers to yours, and you pay the seller for shipping into Australia)

Does your seller ship to australia?

Jodie's contacts are as follows

- someone Matheson ( someone@internode.on.net ) / Phone (61) 41970-9410

:) Hope it helps.. someone might be able to help you a bit better than I can with everything :)

Again, welcome! :D

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Hi Amy, welcome to the forum :) I'm a fellow perthite as well, and getting quality fish here is pretty hard. There is an extra step involved with getting a fish in from aquabid. A transhipper (someone) will have to hold on to the fish until it clears quarantine. She'll then ship the fish to you via AAE which involves an extra cost I guess. Are you looking for anything in particular?

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Hey and welcome to the forum! Paiyan is correct about having to use AAE (Australian Air Express) to have the fish sent to you. I believe the reasons being are that a) WA has stricter quarantine laws than the other states and b ) there are no courier companies that will take a live fish that far. I'm pretty sure the furthest that Fastway go is Melbourne or maybe Adelaide. If it's a quarantine issue you will have to use AAE, if not try looking into the greyhound bus service. I actually took the bus myself from Perth to the Gold Coast (someone is only about an hour north of the Gold Coast) back in 2000 and it only took me 3 1/2 days with a few stop overs along the way. I've sent fish to Damo and Jess in Griffith recently via the greyhound service and in my experience they are very well priced and a great service to utilise. someone would be able to tell you more about shipping to Perth but I'm almost 90% that you will have to use AAE and from my personal experience with them they aren't cheap, hence why more people from Perth don't buy Bettas from Aquabid or even this forum. it ends up costing an arm and a leg to get them there. Eg we recently paid $93 to have a pair of OHM devils sent from Thailand, and at that time someone had a special on where females travelled free so you would have to add to that cost the travel for the female and AAE services which could be clost to 100 to fly them there. Now if your comfortable with your income spending $200 to get a pair of fish from Thailand etc may not worry you but for most people it's ridiculous.

Hope you enjoy this forum, there are alot of great people here and we are always willing to help out whenever we can... be warned though we are photo whores! One person in particular whom I won't mention *coughs* "Bettarazzi" *coughs* will hound you into the ground for photo's of you gorgeous fish! We all try to keep them coming but there never seems to be enough photo's!

Once again :)

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