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My first spwan arrives a little earlyer that expected


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ive officialy managed to breed guppys!!!!!! :D:betta:

last night i was watching rattatoi when i notice my guppys was VERY skinny, so i set up a breeding tarp and dropped here in a caught the last of here brood! and i ended up getting -drum role please- 1! yes i manage to get 1 :D

i know i said that mollies where gonna be the first but this one expectantly happen as i got the guppy like 2 days ago!!!

so ive got some questions, :)

I heard that if you hard boil an egg and freeze it you can break little bits of the yolk and crumble it up for baby fish food

has any one tried this or what would you recommend??? :)

Gourami guru

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Just happened to be reading this yesterday in a Guppy forum...Hard boil the egg ...remove the yolk ...add a drop or two of tank water to a bit of the yolk and mush it up with your finger...then put a bit on a toothpick or similiar and feed the fry. It goes cloudy in the water (protien soup) which is normal so dont use too much , and use a couple of times a day.

Hope this helps and congrats on your babies.

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congrats on the baby! It's so sweet how you are excited that you 'got' the guppy to breed.... if you work out how to STOP them let us know! You are going to have A LOT of baby guppies on your hands soon. They drop roughly every 3-4 weeks. Good luck with the little survivor!!

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yay baby guppies are so cute, and likewise with the other advice given here, crushed up flake is fine. if you want a higher survival rate for other babies dropped make sure you have lots of bushy floating plants for the babies to hide in, very soon you'll have a self-supporting population! congrats! they're just so cute aren't they?

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