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Hello from Canberra


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Hi all,

I'm from Canberra. I have joined this community in preparation of setting up an 18.5L tank for one male betta.

I was given a betta last Christmas and managed to keep him alive and well for 6 months, until our heater broke down one cold winter night/early morning. He survived, but showed signs of sickness shortly after and didn't live much longer after the event...

This next betta will have a bigger home equipped with heater and thermometer. The aquarium has not been purchased yet, but hopefully will be soon. I plan to cycle it before getting a betta. I'm not sure where i'll be getting my betta from, so if there are any Canberra betta breeders out there selling fish soon, let me know! Otherwise we'll probably look at aquabid - can anyone recommend good breeders??

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  • 4 weeks later...


I have one male VT from the LFS and 1 bristlenose catfish in a 20L aquarium + java fern, anubia on driftwood and another plant which is purple in colour. All seems to be going well after the first week. Both the betta and bristlenose seem to be very happy and content in their new home.

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Welcome ....if you buy from Aquabid you can check the sellers feedback for positive / negative reports. Ive only ordered twice and found them both good . IMO though try to order from Thailand as I think it is the shortest trip to Aus.

someone ( transhipper ) does an excellent job and wont send a fish unless he is fit to travel , both of mine arrived in top condition and havent looked back. Good luck in your search.

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Thanks Deb,

I managed to get a very healthy and cute lil guy from the local aquarium store. They seemed to be well cared for there in fairly decent tanks and not cups. I picked him out because he was active and had a bubblenest happening. If I become addicted I might try other types of bettas and have them imported. I like the look of the crowntails and halfmoons.

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