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pink cories?


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unfortunately not. i can't get them to come close enough to the front to get any pics - i only noticed it because i completely changed the water in the tank today so they had to come close to the front of the tank where i left the water :dontknow: if it hadn't been for that i wouldn't have noticed anything, because they're as active as ever and eating really well.

edit: not a real good pic, but i just took this one. they look a lot more pink IRL, but you get the general idea.


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my bronze cories lose their colour after the sun sets and they havnt seen light for a few hours. Actually all my cories do the same to some extent (metae and axelrodi).

Another thing i found is that when i first release them into my tank they are all pink, so im assuming stress makes them lose colour. Is there anything stressing them? =S

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