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Fifi's fish that only eat live food


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Divy, lucky you that your fish they want to eat frozen or dried food

All my fish only accept LIVE FOOD!!! arghh.. i think they like it that the brine shrimp still moving in their mouth while they are eating them

I tried to give them a pellet or dried food and they just stare at it but didn't want to eat it not even want to close with it

And yesterday was terrible, I ran out of brine shrimp and the LFS already closed, i didn't realise the time because i was too busy with my children and with my fish (just arrived yesterday afternoon) so basically I just fed them only a very bit of food, but luckily they are all survive

and this morning i rush to LFS and they have 1 bag of brine shrimp left but they are going to restock again late afternoon today, so i have to go there again and buy the fresh brine shrimp oh gosh.. luckily my LFS only 3 minutes driving

divy, do you have the pic of them?

i'll try to get the pic of my new fish, when i do i'll post it

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LOL @ Fifi. Im trying to work out who owns who. Does Fifi own the bettas or do they own her? :thumbs:

If it were me id give them dry food and if the little buggers didnt eat id let them starve that day, then feed them the same the next day and if they didnt eat again id let them go without. Id probably do this for a 4 days and then give in.

I swear these little guys are smart and once they have had good food they will turn there noses up to anything else but the best.

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Live food?? I didn't feed my imports for two days after I got them. Then they got what the rest of my fish eat, dry food. I think the first time they got frozen food was a few weeks later. Now they alternate between 3 types of dry food and two types of frozen food. There hasn't been any live food in my fish room for several months.

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fifi, you don't need to feed them every day. they will be fine for over a week without food. I always prefer to fast my fish when I have to be away rather than trust anyone else not to overfeed them (unless I have fry of course - in which case my husband and daughter reliably forget to feed them and I come home to significantly fewer fry than I started with! Yes, it has been a year and I am still not over it :) )

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well.. i thought they were fasting while during the transport from brisbane to melbourne (around 2-3 days) and normally i fed them after they were settle down a bit (roughly around 3 hours after i put them in the tanks) I'm scared that they will die if i didn't give them food, because i already paid a fortune to bring them here

and also because i'm planning to spawn them and i saw from the forum that i have to condition them around 1 week before actually spawning them

so.. I gave them live food, and they didn't want to eat other food :)

but the females don't really picky about their foods, only the males do, especially with my male HM, i tried to give him the pellet and he just stare at it and couple of hours later the pellet sank on the bottom, i didn't want to pollute the water so i took it out

well.. i'll try to give them the pellets again, but i have to finish the brine shrimp or otherwise the brine shrimp just died and i'll waste my money on it, still has 2 serves to go

I tried to take a pic of them but didn't success, the pic was kinda blur, anyone has a clue how to take a pic of them? should i put them into a small container or something and take a pic of them?

My male DDR CT still struggling to survive, i hope he's alright, he just sat on the bottom and hiding in java moss and when i fed him with brine shrimp he just sat there until the brine shrimp actually came to him and he ate it. I don't know whether he's just lazy or he's still adjusting the new environment

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Yeah... now that you've got the brineshrimp you're going to have to use it up. Don't get me wrong. There's nothing wrong with live food. I think Kitz only ever feeds live food. Personally I find dry foods more convenient.

Sounds like the CT is still recovering from the journey and adjusting to the new water conditions. He may have a mild infection. Make sure his water is super clean. Remove any uneaten food as quickly as possible. Make sure his container is warm. At least 26 deg C. Better if you can get it up to 28.

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The current temp is 26.78 C and it will get higher if i put my ducted heater on, but normally i don't use ducted heater during the days unless the weather is really cold

he looks fine now, he's starting to swim around

i have a problem with the females, i bought 1 female HM from someone, i think she doesn't like to put together with the other females because she pick on my DDR female, so i have to put her in separate tank. I thought females can be put together in one tank. I have 4 other females look alright in the same tank, but when i put my female HM from someone in that tank, she only pick on my CT female, but she lost anyway because I can see her dorsal fin got a bit chewed, and she's quite happy alone in the separate tank but i have to put her beside my male HM and he started his bubble nest and tried to court her :)

but overall, they are looking good to me

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I hate it when my females nip at each other. I'm thinking of treating males and females the same from now on. I've got 5 females in a community tank and 3 of them are very badly chewed. They just can't seem to sort out who's the boss. They're just LFS females so I've not really made it a priority to sort out. My imported females are in tanks on their own. With breeder females I find that it's easier for me to monitor their condition if they're in a tank on their own anyway.

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well, currently all my bettas are imported, except 2 females i bought them from kitz and 1 female HM and 1 male CT from someone

and unfortunately i don't have anymore empty tank if i have to put all the females in their own tank

but the other females are doing good at the moment

I've been thinking, do you think that if i spawn my CT around tomorrow or monday, is it too soon? I just got the male on thursday. But he's looking really well, and the female I already got her about 1 month and she's been eating live food and pellets but mostly live food.

my husband is starting complaint about me kept buying live food for them because live food doesn't come cheap although my LFS is selling quite cheap though but still.. have to spend more for them. So maybe i'll try to give them the pellets or dry foods after i finish my brine shrimp

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I have dry food but prefer frozen brine shrimp and blood worms. My girls could work out who was boss alright but they always got nasty when I was near because they thought it meant food and they'd chase/nip at and squabble to try to chase the others off from the feeding area. They just want to hog the food even though they get fed regularly and generously

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Divy congrats on your new fish!

Fifi your fish are definitely spoilt :). Try some frozen blood worms (if they are cheaper). My Betta won't eat flakes, but he loves those micropellets. Micopellets keep the water cleaner as well I think.

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I've been thinking, do you think that if i spawn my CT around tomorrow or monday, is it too soon?

If you think they're ready you can try. It's been done before.

i tried to take some pics but they come our blurry, does anyone have any pointers for taking pics?

Have a look in the Shutterbugs forum. Stuart Elflett also posted some tips in the Fishy Showroom forum I think.

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My girls could work out who was boss alright but they always got nasty when I was near because they thought it meant food and they'd chase/nip at and squabble to try to chase the others off from the feeding area.

lol my girls are too busy jumping out of the water at me to fight :P whenever I come near them!

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I moved these posts to try and keep divy's thread about divy's fish.

Guys, please try and start your own threads if you wish to discuss issues regarding your own fish in some degree of details. Seriously, this thread has ended up being longer than divy's own thread and it is completely off topic.


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