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Forktail Blue-Eye

Stuart Elflett

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A good strong flash, manual focus, a digital SLR, and a LOT of practice... I'm not kidding about the practice, I've taken thousands of shots of moving subjects to get good at it...

I set the aperture to f/13-f/16 - I'm using a macro lens, so can get in close, and set the shutter speed for 1/125th so I can handhold - focus is as much shifting my head back and forth as twisting the lens, you have to move with the subject, rely on your eye as much as the camera 'focus' beep...

Shooting larger subjects, I pre-focus where I plan on taking the shot, if at all possible... inside a corner line for cars, pan along with them and shoot as they're in the apex of the corner - same with things like birds in flight, etc...

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I love these fish. I was going to get some at Auburn, remember Phil? but they didn't have enough in stock. Not much point buying 2 of them.

I also love how you've presented the photos, Stuart. Looks great against that background.

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I love these fish. I was going to get some at Auburn, remember Phil? but they didn't have enough in stock. Not much point buying 2 of them.

I know how you feel - and you need 3 to even start the dynamic between them (just like danio's - two may be company but it means there's no real games of tag going... lol) - however I'm finding more and more if you want fish other than the bread and butter species, you've got to take them when you can - I want to put a group of these, and three lined pencilfish into the 45L cube when I run it up, but all I've got so far is one pencilfish and three forktails - not to mention I can't get Oto's for love or money in Adelaide atm - BN's though... BN's coming outa the cupboards *everywhere* right now - $3.90 for commons... $6 for albino's... it's crazy...

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Yep i remember you were going to get some Lilli. If i had somewhere to put them i would of wanted some aswell. But, you should be happy with your Honey Blue eyes, they are stunning!

Pencil fish are another beautiful fish! We have a tank of golden pencils at work and when i have a tank spare to qt them i will get some.

And who doesnt like halfbeaks? Baby Gars they are :)

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