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DIY Fish Tank


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I'd just ring a glazier and ask. They can tell you over the phone. Have you made a 2 ft tank before? I've made some really small tanks (10 x 15 x 20cm) and it was so messy I don't think I'll ever do it again. If you're good at making tanks can you give us some tips? Or better still, YouTube the whole thing ^_^ Yeah... I've upgraded from asking for photos to asking for videos! :P

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You want a video heres a video for ya http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ExwJaGvWGs...ted&search= LMAO at the dogs :(

Sorry not my video, was trying to be lazy and find someone on youtube who has already done it. These guys are just setting up a tank.

And becuase you wanted a video so much i was happy to find you a video on making a fish tank stand. I mean whats a tank with out the stand. If your left thinking what the heck is that!!!!! your not alone. But me with my sense of humour i found it funny :(


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  • 2 months later...

quick question...but why buy NEW glass??? you can usually find some good, thick glass at the local recycling center/tip dump for free or really cheap! secondhand shops and auctions are good sources too! then all you have to do is clean it with a bit of bleach and voila! one cheap tank :)

my mum does a lot of lead lighting and likes the older glasses...so yeah....that's how i found most of my glass!

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do not use 2nd hand glass unless you REALLY know what you are doing. Laminate is poisonous. Old float glass can be thin and brittle one end.

Buy premade. its a whole heap easier and cheaper - not to mention the public liability and insurance considerations.


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uhn i've always got my mum and then the actual glass guy to look at the glass before i nab it (good thing about small towns, everyone is close by!) so i've never had any problems like that with glass, and i guess i didn't think about how other people would go about choosing their second hand glass :-/

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