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Here fishy fishy fishy

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That is a Microgeophagus altispinosa (Bolivian Ram) they all can get quite confusing, bolivian, butterflies, rams, and so forth! It's all twisted :) If you have him on dark substrate, he will camoflage to it :D I prefer bolivian's to be in light subtrate where they can almost shimmer in the sunlight :D Peaceful, yet sometimes agressive little busy bodies they are :D

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It is on light substrate, I think it has something to do with the fish's mood.

In the morning before i turn the tank light on she's all grey then during the day she turns a nice opally-yellow/pink colour and during feeding time the stripe on her eye, the dorsal stripe and a spot of her back turn jet black (very classy).

Almost left out the tetra brood:

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Well for now she appears quite content with 2 female betta. I do have a possible friend comming soon, but it will all depend on wheather I can get a larger tank. Recent vet bills have killed off any chance of the bigger tank I wanted any time soon but let's hope lucks on my side, I may be able to temporarily accomodate her buddy in a quarantine tank for a month or so :D .

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