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Parosphromenus Quindecim

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Well, it seems I'm in love again with yet another fish I can't have.

Parosphromenus quindecim and Parosphromenus harveyi, found


are not on our legal import list.

I want to know if they really are not importable or if there are legal specimens in the country that I could buy.

Many thanks in advance.

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Apparently, P. sumatranus, P. dayii, P. ornaticauda and P. linkei (and possibly P. deissneri) have appeared in Australia in the past. (Source: GenusBetta files). Stunning looking little fish, aren't they? I can see why you'd love them :thumbs:

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Being listed as endangered will probably mean it’s on a cities list but hardly ever on the full restricted trade list. Many Betta species are cities listed but none have restricted trade placed on them YET. P deissneri are on the import list but only males at 4cm or over can be imported. If you have seen these fish it is almost impossible to tell male and female apart and harder to tell between the some of the different Parosphromenus species when they are stressed, so sometimes different ones come mixed up with shipments of P deissneri. This being said they then normally get sold as P.deissneri so it would be up to the buyer to sort out the difference.

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