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Ctenopoma Available In Australia?


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Hi All, :wub:

Well, it looks like I'm in love again with a non-betta aquarium freshwater fish (Is this normal behaviour?). I remember seeing Microctenopoma Ansorgii (Ornate ctenopoma) in a photo on another forum a very long time ago. Luckily I had saved that photo to my harddrive otherwise I never would have remembered what they were called. So now that I can't have a Channa Bleheri, I am after the larger members of the Ctenopoma group. These originate in Africa and *I think* some parts of Asia...

In order of preferance, these are the ones I want to have:

Ctenopoma Acutirostri, 15-20cm

Microctenopoma Fasciolatum,

Ctenopoma Oxyrhynchum,

Micro/Ctenopoma Ansorgii.


Ctenopoma Acutirostri is my favourite overall, I really want to know whether it is LEGALLY Available in Australia.

Microctenopoma Fasciolatum is slightly smaller, it is about 15cm long. I like its pattern but there seems to be some variation from the black stripe pattern - I saw mostly mottled brown... If it is available in the black striped pattern, then it is second on my list. If not, then I don't want it at all.

Ctenopoma Oxyrhynchum is I think about 15-20cm, I like these for their underlying yellow/red and blue/green color. This species is about equally prefered to Microctenopoma Fasciolatum, and I would like to know if it is available in Australia.

My list ends here. If the above species are unavailable then I would consider Micro/Ctenopoma Ansorgii. It is much smaller, I think 10-15cm. Elongated body, they look nice but the same issue as the Fasciolatum, variations exist and some look really sad.

So, I was after 1 or 2 true pairs or trios of either of the above species, and if they are available I am hoping to have some by the end of this year. No big hurry to get them after I know they are legal here. Anyone know what their price range is? :drool:

These are Anabantoid fish, related to Bettas and Gouramis due to that. They seem to be bubblenesters or mop-spawners (or both) and generally don't care for their offspring much, they are carnivorous and need to be removed after spawning. They generally dont chase after prey, rather lying in wait and attacking as prey comes near. They do look like gouramis crossed with archer fish imo :)

I am not sure why these would be illegal, they are sub-tropical to tropical fish (23-28*C), so they wouldn't survive very well in the Australian wilderness. They are certainly smaller than Giant Gourami and those arent illegal.

I have done my research, but there doesnt seem to be any info on them being kept in Australia. If they are LEGAL, then it is a matter of finding whether they are readily available...

Many thanks in advance, any information will be greatly appreciated,

Stefan :cheer:

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I have it down as Micro/Ctenopoma Ansorgii with the forward slash because some sites tell you it is a Microctenopoma Ansorgii, while others tell you it is just Ctenopoma Ansorgii. They are smaller than the others...

Both of those species can look different tho, and thats the only problem I have with them...

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I am in luck :wub: Ctenopoma Acutirostri: I searched on some other general fish forums and found that these fish are legal in Australia, one person has even seen them in Melbourne! :cheer: So I will see if my lfs can order some in for me. Only thing is, I discovered that these fish are going for about $40...I am not sure if that is for a pair or for each, but I am hoping it's for the former :drool: Cheers guys :)

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Ctenopoma isn't on any of the lists that that link lead me to :drool: So it must be illegal? Alphabetical order skipped from Cr to Cy, no Ct in between. On both list part 1 and part 2. That list looked slightly outdated. Is it possible that these fish are now legal? This is just great. Is it possible that the person who reported seeing these guys in a fish store in melbourne was seeing illegally imported fish? Why do my aquatic predator crushes never work out?

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no ctenopoma is a legal import - however, as with most fish, once they are in there is not a lot that can be done. I believe Ctenopoma are noxious in Victoria. They will probably go on the national noxious list. Reason - the common name O/S is climbing perch. These guys have no climbing ability, but the damage is done.

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Ctenopoma acutirostre (Leopard Bush Fish) isn't on the list of declared noxious aquatic species under the Victorian Fisheries Act, according to the DPI website HERE.

Bay Fish had them on their wholesale list in the middle of last year, but I don't know how often they have them, since they are not on the AQIS permitted import list.

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