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My tanks and bettas!


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Hi everyone! I just wanted to show off my little work in progresses and my lovely little bettas! I recently acquired a galaxy koi from 7fishes and she arrived in excellent condition. I think she’s quite the looker. My male betta is Ernie and he’s a pretty little goof, and my female betta is Lita. 
In with Ernie are some North Queensland algae shrimp and some neon tetras. I’m planning to do some more planting in Ernie's tank, as there’s not enough plant in there for my liking , I’m sure the shrimp would appreciate a bit more coverage and grazing spots too. In with Lita are otocinclus catfish and yellow cherry shrimp. I have an instagram account for my tanks @afishylittleworld 




Edited by Trashlass
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Hi Trashlass, lovely Bettas you have there!  They look quite happy in their tank set-ups.  Can't wait to see what you do with Ernie's tank - I'm sure the shrimp will appreciate the addition of more places to seek refuge :) I'll definitely go check out your insta!

PS: Your video didn't upload.  We can't upload video directly to the forum.  I find it easiest to upload to youtube and share the link here. :halfmoon:

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Thanks @shadoh! I'll be investing in some plants and moss for the 52L, the shrimp will be so relieved aha. 

Im not sure whats going on with the video now but I upload most stuff to my instagram anyway, so it's all on there 😅

@Bettarazzi thats so naughty and awful!! I hope your male made a full recovery from that. Thanks for the heads up, he had fin damage once but it was my fault for leaving spiderwood in his tank and thinking it would be okay! we haven't had any problems since, but I'll be sure to keep an eye on the cheeky buggers! they do steal his pellets from right infront of his face sometimes so they are ballsy little things!

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