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Nerite snail with male betta - 9l tank


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Hey guys.

Quick question.

I have a male betta in a 9 litre tank, filtered, heated and with plants.

I have been thinking about putting a couple of nerite snails in there to help keep the tank clean...mainly to clean up the plant waste.

Would it be ok? Or would the extra bioload in only a 9l tank be too much? My betta won't try to eat him?

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My betta won't try to eat him?

He may.

I have been thinking about putting a couple of nerite snails in there to help keep the tank clean...mainly to clean up the plant waste

I have both snails and Glass shrimp in my tank.

See here.


Sorry about photo quality.



Not all bettas are the same, Whats the worst that can happen the betta eats the snail or shrimp.

Edited by NickAu
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My biggest concern is that a 9l tank isn't very big and I don't want anything bad to happen to my betta from the extra bioload.

On that I have no advice, If you were to add the snails do more frequent water parameter tests and changes as needed.


With a 9 litre tank in my opinion you should be changing 25 to 50% the water at least 3 times a week.

I change 50% of the water of the water in my 70 litre tank every week, and my tank and canister filter are cycled. I also use dechlorinator and prime to treat the water then I pre heat the water to 28 Deg Celsius( Same as my tank ) before adding it.

What sort of filter are you using?

Also in my opinion anything under 20 liters is too small for a betta. Try something like this.


Look on Ebay, Depending on where you live there are some cheap tanks for sale if you can pick it up.


25 Litre Fish Tank and Accessories

3ft Fish Tank

Put sand or gravel in it lots of live plants and one of these minumum.

Biochemical sponge filter xy-380 for aquarium fish tank

Something like this is just garbage


That is a Death Bowl. Its too small, plastic plants, That filter pump is most likley to strong. Bettas like little or no current. Putting a Betta in a Death Bowl is like putting a race horse in a bathroom.

Sorry about all the links, And the strong opinion on Death Bowls.

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I have this tank, filter and heater:


But I didn't use the gravel they provide...too many sharp edges. I have glass beads.

And I have some live plants instead of the plastic one it came with.


I do 20% water changes every 2 weeks as multiple people have instructed me to do.

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First up. I hope you do not think I am being rude or anything like that.

Nice looking fish. I had a beautifull blue veil tail too. Your tank looks nice, It's just that in my opinion its a bit too small.

I do 20% water changes every 2 weeks as multiple people have instructed me to do.

Who told you this? I challange this bad advice.

Is the tank cycled?

Small tanks like that are harder to cycle, They also make it hard to maintain a constant water temp.

How are you treating the water before adding it to the tank?

What is the water temp in the tank?

Can you please tell us your levels for.





I use the API master test kit.

Aquarium API Freshwater Master Water Test Kit

But I didn't use the gravel they provide...too many sharp edges

Good call.

And I have some live plants instead of the plastic one it came with.

Also good. Think about this. If that was such a great starter tank for a Betta, Why did they put in plastic plants and sharp gravel that can damage his tail? Silk plants are better. Live plants are best.

I have this tank, filter and heater:

Yes petbarn, Who tried to sell me flakes for my Betta, And who sold me out of date pellets ( 4 months out of date ) and I believe that may have been the reason my other betta died.

Reading those reviews about the tank on the petbarn site, I can see straight off some are fake.


(maybe two bonded females?)

What are bonded females? I think the correct term for females is a sorrority, And in the wild females do not live in groups. Sororitys are forced on the females by fish keepers and I read some place that 5 are the minumum you should have.

I stand by my 25 to 50% minumum water change weekly.

Its a good thing you joined up here and asked for advice, I am sure other members will have more advice for you.

It seems the Betta is the new goldfish, Remember how they were stuck in small fishbowls with no filters etc.



Yes they grow that big not that any petbarn employee will tell you. Places like petbarn do not care about you or your fish, They want them to get sick so they can sell you magic in a bottle. Stuff like betta fix, IMO its rubbish and fixes nothing.

Try adding Indian Almond leaf to the tank, Great for the fish, But the tannins stain the water.

50pcs 10~18cm Tantora Catappa Leaves Grd A Indian Almond Leaf KETAPANG shrimp

I hope all this helps you out.

Edited by NickAu
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Agree with Nick. The smaller the tank, the more water changes needed. I have 2 x 15L tanks that get 30-50% water changes every w/e. They're filtered, heated, life plants & 1 betta, no gravel. The bad stuff builds up quickly so needs frequent water changes. I have a 135L sorority which has 7 females, 5 corys & 2 BN. I do 25% water change every 7-10days & it gets a thorough gravel vac with 30-40% water change the next time. :)

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Larger tanks are much easier to maintain, as has already been said. Just much more room for error. That said, every situation is slightly different. If you want to try the nerite snails (they are a very interesting looking snail and difficult to get) then certainly monitor if your filter is coping with the extra bioload. If I were you I would treat it as a brand new cycling tank and test the water daily and perform partial water changes (say10-20%) every day. Test for ammonia, nitrite and nitrate for a week at least. If you get no readings (or very slight readings) for a week then you can ease back on the water changes. Learning to handle small tanks is not a bad thing. Anyone interested in breeding doesn't have the luxury of large tanks for their whole spawn.

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