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Hi I'm wondering if Bettas can eat Spirulina and Brine Shrimp flakes and if so what are the benefit from eating them. I currently feed them the following. Atison's Betta Pro, Bloodworms, as well as Frozen Black Worms. I'm wondering if they can eat the following flakes.

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For beefheart mix I used this recipe

and the liver mix

The fish love it. The liver mix smells pretty bad though so be warned!

For steamed eggs I just basically did this http://greatbettafishcare.blogspot.com.au/2009/09/food-for-betta-fish-5steam-egg.html and add in spirulina while youre mixing it all up.

Then push it through a net and into a drinkbottle full of water to make it into small, edible chunks for the betta. Then just squirt that into the fish tank. It lasts about 2 days in the fridge before it goes off

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For steamed eggs I just basically did this http://greatbettafishcare.blogspot.com.au/2009/09/food-for-betta-fish-5steam-egg.html and add in spirulina while youre mixing it all up.

Then push it through a net and into a drinkbottle full of water to make it into small, edible chunks for the betta. Then just squirt that into the fish tank. It lasts about 2 days in the fridge before it goes off

thanks how much water do you add into the egg. Also are all the products available in Australia. I'm wondering could you add peas into the beef and liver mix to help say stop bloat.
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