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betta barracks with back sorority


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I keep saying id make a thread but ive been pretty slack admittedly.

this was one of our first attempts at a barracks for the splendans.

we got a 3.5 ft tank second hand

three sides spray painted so just needs to look good front on

bought A4 sized clear perspex to use as divders (plastic folder dividers can be used to card boys from each other)

and mesh to seperate the front barracks from the back section.

aim was to share maximim water to prevent complicated heat transfer/cleaning/filtering etc.

yes i know but dieseases and health isssues. contagious.

we are usually pretty vigilant and proper quarantine and tank maintenance minimises risk.

plus extensive fish meds on hand haha

anyway so tank.

silicons not the neatest but we can always neaten it up with a razor blade.

later on.

perspex was siliconed to front glass firstly.

round cardboard tube was used to support perspex from ground and allow even spacing.

tank was allowed to cure.

tanks flipped onto front glass.

mesh siliconed to the back side of all perspex pieces

as well as to the sides of tank and floor.

pretty messy job but sides are spraypainted anyway so meh.

and pictures:

setting it up






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the oldest one drank from our net bucket tonight (its heavily dosed with meth blue.)

she got a blue tongue and a very upset james frantically searching how poisoness meth blue is to dogs

but yeah no toilet bowls at least :P

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shes pretty hardy.

she once ate a whole box of lindt chocolate when we were out (wed usually make her throw up(salt) but it had been to long)

she was fine. just passed some tinsel a few days later.

#mydogisanidiot #thishasnothingtodowithfishorbarracks #diygenius

the culprit



#hadabluetongue #stillalive

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