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Official Date for the September Betta Australis Show


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At last nights Betta Australis meet, we agreed on a date and venue for the September Betta show.

September 8 - 9th at the Caboolture Showgrounds

All interstate entries are to be sent to someone on Wednesday 5th September to arrive Thursday 6th and Friday 7th September. We will only accept shipping on those two days. Fish will be benched in on the Friday afternoon/evening and Saturday morning. We will have space for up to 120 fish. Judging will take place on Saturday afternoon followed by a club BBQ for members and guests. A great way for everyone to sit back, relax catch up and enjoy the hard work. Also a chance to view the entries before the show is open to the public on Sunday morning.

Entry Forms, rules and further info will be uploaded ASAP.

For those interested in other types of fish, there will also be displays by QAH (Queensland Aquarium Hobbyists) and possibly some other local clubs.

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No, this will be a district show open to interstate and international entries. Fish will be judged according to IBC rules. There will be a Veiltail class that will be judged using the Bettas4All standard (with kind permission from Joep Van Esch)

Next September will be the IBC sanctioned show with international guest judges.

It was decided a few months ago that as we are a young club with virtually no experience (someone being the exception) of showing Bettas, it would be wise to keep everything a localised as possible this year to give everyone an opportunity to not only learn what is involved in putting on a show (lead up, behind the scenes, fundraising etc...), but also learn how to train and groom a fish to be ready to "perform" at their best for judging and shows (some members learnt from the recent show that although you may have a top shelf fish, if it doesn't display for the judges on the night, it cannot be judged properly)

We extend our hands to all clubs around the country to participate and/or come over to experience the show for yourselves.

We will make it worth your while ;D

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