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Guppies v Female Betta?

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Only one way to find out, try it and see, I never had an issue with the two tegether :)Only thing is the Betta will snack on guppy fry, but sometimes thats a good thing...

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I keep two big female betta's with 5 or 6 guppies in a 40l. I very rarely see the betta girls get grumpy at them, even when they're annoying and steal their food. I have had a nipped fin or two along the line, but nothing serious. :)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hey Moth Good to see you back after the move. I thought that would be the case ness and yan have it down pat. Mine get along like a house on fire ( I dont realy know that sounds good) but the get along fine. Good luck with the mixed tanks I am sure it will be fine.



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