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Hatching Brine Shrimp


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Hey Everyone,

I know there are already lots of thread about this, but what is the best way to hatch brine shrimp? I need to know because my male macrostoma should be releasing anytime now. The thing I don't know is about salt.. Which one? Please be specific. Also, how many eggs do I put in how much water? I need a "recipe" please. I have the hatching device, just don't know how to actually hatch. So please give me your "recipe" for hatching brine.

Thank you!!

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Have you read this thread yet because it seems like everything you need to know is there... http://ausaqua.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=1124 I use about a tablespoon of salt for 1L, add a pinch of bicarb soda...at the moment I have a lot of fry so each day I hatch 2tsp of eggs (also feed them microworms and also crushed pellets now they are bigger). depending on how many fry you have, hatch accordingly the no. of eggs. Any salt is ok as long as it is NOT IODIZED salt, I use normal cooking salt.

Edited by Chi
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I use natural sea salt flakes. Can take a photo tomorrow if you remind me. I get it from IGA, not cheap (cheaper than aqarium salt) but works. It must be natural salt.

I use approx I tablespoon (heaped) of salt to 1ltr water. Then add 1/4 teaspoon of eggs. Make sure when you add airline hose that it is at the very bottom of the bottle, against cap. 24-36 hrs later, live bbs. :-)

You saw my setup didn't you?

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Thanks so much everyone!

@Chi- I have read that thread, but there were so many different methods, it sort of confused me.

@Busman- sorry, can't say I have seen your setup. Well, if I have I don't remember seeing it.

Thanks everyone, made it a lot easier for me now! This helped a lot :)

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