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Weird female behavior?

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I've had some problems with fin nipping in my sorority so I have separated my girls in one of those suction cuppy barracks things for now until I get some more hidey spots in the tank. I also thought I'm might be able to see if there is a particular girl that is acting aggressively.

Last night I noticed one of my girls building a bubble nest (note that we weren't 100% sure of the sex of this girl when I first got her a couple of months ago but I'm 99.9% sure that this is a female). Anyway I didn't really think much of it and the nest disintegrated.

Tonight when I was feeding the girlies I noticed a new nest and what looks like eggs eggs in it. Did my girl build a nest, drop her eggs and put them in the nest??

What do I do with it? Do I get rid of it?


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It's kind of sad. It looks like she's tending to the eggs. I wish she would just eat them! EAT THEM SILLY GIRL! It sounds stupid but I feel mean removing them because it looks like she's caring for them.

I'll leave it for a while longer and hope that she eats them. I don't want them going all mouldy and polluting their tank.

Wow. She's building the nest bigger and moving the eggs around in it like a boy would!

Edited by Steph90
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I'd let her go - it's obviously a her (was it that longer finned blue/red girl?)

there isn't much to the eggs, and you'll see them go all fuzzy when they turn, don't worry too much about it polluting the tank... she's just exercising natural behavior.

It's a bit like a phantom pregnancy really.

To be honest I'd look at getting that plant/fake plant cover organized quickly and get them back in together, sorority females will always have nips, but I find they're dramatically reduced when there are visual barriers - I've always got some silk plants with broad leaves around for spawn tanks and sororities incase my whole green tank melts.

Good luck!


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Ok cool! They have been so perfect with each other up until the last few weeks. I have lots of plants and stuff but I have a huge driftwood that was leaching so much colour that I took it out they used to hide in and around it. So I have to get another big driftwood and maybe some more plants and stuff. Will be getting onto it next week when I'm in Melbourne to pick up that girl from you and my car.

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