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Frangipani Rust got in my plants - will they be OK?

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Our Frangipani tree has gotten Frangipani Rust, and mum's pulling all the leaves off.. but I have buckets outside where I've dumped plants in, and they are going wild (HM and tall vals).

The yellowish-orange rust stuff have gotten all in the buckets, and basically covered most of it.

Is there any way I can save the plants? I was going to put them in another tank once that was set up.

Maybe a dip with PP?

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A good rinse and a quick dip in PP to be sure should be fine. Frangipani rust shouldn't affect aquatic plants anyway. Your Mum hasn't sprayed or dusted the leaves with any chemicals that may have gotten in the buckets? If so, I wouldn't risk it and throw the lot...

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Thanks Jarrod! Just thought I'd ask, there's quite a lot there so would be such a shame to throw it all.

I meant to double check with mum re chemicals, but she never uses any, so should be fine - thanks for reminding me. :)

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Hey Sarah

Tell mum to make sure she bags the leaves from the frangipani with rust as they should not go into the compost but straight into the bin. and then follow what Jarrod said and no it wont effect your aquatics



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