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The day in my Fish Room


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Well you cannot say my fish room, but my bedroom. Just a quick update of my Koi fry. They are about 5 weeks old, bout an inch long and beginning to develop some colouration. When I recieved them from the breeder they were smaller than a grain of rice, but now compare the difference! :D

The breeder told me that with the parents being Yamabuki Ogon and Platnium Doitsu Ogon, the fry will turn out in five different types buth with either platnium, gold or a mixture of both. Also with two different types of scale patterns.

A month ago the fry lookes like this

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But, after a month of constant feeding of Hikari Koi powdered foods and live foods, the growth is amazing. See for yourself!

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One of the colouring fry, believed to be a platinum with orange (orenji hariwake) or yellow (yamabuki hariwake) markings.

The most coloured fry at the moment :D


Mango~ :lol:

EDIT: Images removed due to bandwidth theft/copyright issues.

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Phil, you can try to put a net around the pond. Many Sydney Koi keepers and breeders do that because of magpies and ibises :D I can prob give you some in the future since im going grab a few other varieties of Koi from the breeder...such as Kohaku (white with red patterns), Sanke (Hi (red) and sumi (black) on a white background), Showa (Red and white markings on a black background), and maybe some solid blacks if I can find some. mmmm...SA doesnt like Koi, they think they are pests :lol: I hope they release the ban on them, then the entire Aus can enjoy tje beauty of Koi.

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well, carp really are a pest. Having said that, I have kept koi since before my daugter was born (she is 16), finally giving them up when I had to move house 2 times in 6 months. That was about 2 years ago. It's not possible to import new lines of koi into australia, which is a shame, as kev told me they are now twice the size of what koi from the Australian lines max out at. which black ones do you mean Mango? I always liked the showa sanshoku best, but I was fascinated by the idea of the Karasugoi (pure black) which I never saw in person, and also midorigoi (rare green koi).

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I dont know why, but I just want a Karasugol, there are some very nice ones in Australia, but very expensive. 2 guys in the AKA (Australian Koi Association) has the best lines of Karasugol in Australia, and I happen to know them so its should be easy to obtain a specimen. Im mainly into the metallic varieties such as Ogons, Hikarimoyo - Mono, Hikarimono and the main varieties such as Kohaku, Tanchos and stuff. All I got now are Yamabuki Ogons, Platnium Doitsus and some Matsubas. But hopefully once my pond is done, I can get some other varieties.

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I would love a pond of just the metallic singel-coloured koi. Mainly white and silver, against a black background. The bloody things change colour so often though, you buy a white fish and end up with one with orange patches that come out of nowhere. I'll never forget my perfect tancho kohaku ginrin, which as it grew had the red circle move down onto its shoulders then slip to one side. Still a stunning fish when the light hit it, though. He was from the Australian Koi farm at Bringelly. I used to spend copious amounts of money there!

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LOL, my koi were all bought pre-internet - and breeders didn't really advertise back then. So I just got to spend my money :) There is a display pond with the glass viewing pane at the AKF. I have to confess, I find it a bit disconcerting to see koi from the side, when it's obvious they are not the symmetrical torpedoes they appear from above to be. If I ever move again I will have a back deck from my back door, around a koi pond. No lawn to mow that way!

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